No matter how old your business is, the key to sustainable growth is to build scalable and repeatable processes. You can’t achieve long-term growth with the processes that crumble with stressors and large volumes. It is also not sustainable when it cannot be repeated when new members of the team are added. Building a sustainable process would mean your team continues to repeat the same level of output or even more, again and again. Here is a five-step towards achieving this goal:
Analyze your current situation
Sometimes you might feel excited about a big plan without even analyzing if your current system can handle it. Spend some time understanding every minute detail of your current process and document before you invest your time and money in implementing new plans.Identifying the gaps
After you have analyzed your current situation, you will have a detailed list of gaps that are hindering your growth. They will also determine what all “levers” you must pull to change existing processes into scalable processes.
Training your team on new processes
Once you have made changes after identifying gaps, train all teams involved on the new processes. Tell them why you are implementing these changes. Provide necessary tools and skills they need to put these processes into practice.
Automating processes
Automation is the secret sauce towards building scalable and repeatable processes. For e.g. marketing communications, lead nurturing, data piping and parsing, and much more. Once all the mundane activities in the processes are automated, it will lift the pressure from the tedious process and shift towards getting quality work done.
Iterating again and again
Regularly survey your customers and employees to collect feedback and reiterate as needed.